
Monday, May 28, 2012

Homemade Concoctions.

Popping up on Pinterest is recipes for making your own laundry detergent and other homemade concoctions. Over the last couple of weeks I've given my own soaps a try and tested them out. The results.... fantastic.

I had started using Nellie's Laundry Soap last year. I liked the way it made my wash feel so soft and smelled clean. Not the fake cover up the smell with perfumed soap, but clean. You only needed to use a small amount each time and it did 100 loads for $20. If I could get the same results with homemade soap, I would be a happy camper.
So I checked out diy natural got my recipes and gave it a whirl. There are tons of recipes out there but they are basically all the same. 1 cup borax, 1 cup washing soda, 1 bar shaved soap.
Dishwasher soap also works better then I ever imagined.
 It took me a while to find the stuff I needed, but now I've got enough to make at least 4 months worth of laundry soap and I only have about $20 worth of supplies. I also wash 1 to 2 loads a day.

Having 2 dogs and a cat and flea season upon us, I have one more thing to share. I don't like chemicals used on my animals. Not only for the animals, but for us too. So for the past couple of years I've been trying to tweak that as well and I think we have finally that figured out. So far not a flea has been seen!

A couple of sprays of the garlic on their food (and no they do not smell like garlic) and a couple of sprays of my homemade flea spray everyday and they are all set. The flea spray consists of a couple of drops of cedar and rosemary oil mixed with water, giving it has a nice woodsy smell.
We tried garlic powder for the last couple of years, but they did smell like garlic and it didn't seem to work. 
Supplies for this cost me again around $20, but I will need to buy more of the garlic spray which runs around $10 a bottle. One bottle should last me half the season though and thats with 2 bigger dogs.

Making all your own stuff does require a little more effort and I'm not saying that I won't ever buy laundry or dishwasher soap again but I'm pleased to have an option that works well.

As far as the dogs and cat, its nice to know that where ever they go in the house they are not rubbing their chemical bodies all over us as well as our things. :)

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